Thursday, 26 November 2020



we went to gisint and i had a lot of fun at gisint we played some game and they were fun and i like it a lot i got sprade with a frier truck and the water was so cold and i like playing the game cone i land and we plaed with a spung and i nealy got a techer but it was to heard for me and that is what hepped to me at gisint it was so fun.

Monday, 9 November 2020


The pretty blue sky is running into the gray sky pushing it away.The great big fish are  splashing around the lake.The trees are waving everywhere they were breathing heavily.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

t shirt.

 this is my t shirt and this is the thing that i like to do and i like to play rugby because is my favorite sport and my age is on it too.i like to do a lot of thing that i like and everyone in the hub did one and i like them all the good thing a bout it is that you can see cool thing on anthers people`s  and that is cool the photo are cool i like them because people try and Mack it perfected and they don`t give up on it that is why i like them all.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

 We have been taking a bout confidence and not confidence and we watched bran and bobby video

  I was taking a bout we have to be confidence to show our feeling a emotions.

if we didn't show confidence we wouldn't not show confidence  and that is bad and then you need to work on confidence.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

thank you Mr S for all of the games we did with you. We love the games we did with you.

Thank you for organizing the bush walk. I really liked going on the walk. We all ran to the checkpoints. It was fun.
Thank you again
By George.

Monday, 2 September 2019

On Tursday we had cross-contry we had to wait a long time so we can ran and we finly got to run i came 5th place in the cross-contry. it was fun nen i got a go to run the year 6 got to go t Thest and then the year got to go 2 so they can go and the year 3 got to go after we go  A go and after that the years 4 got to go and the year 5 got to go and that was us.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Football interschools

We played football it was fun as we won  one  game. I brought 3  sausages and a chocolate bar. We played 5 games the people in my team were Logan I, Sam, Corban, Lachlan, Zac, Kenji, Kaden and Bradley.