Wednesday, 4 December 2019

thank you Mr S for all of the games we did with you. We love the games we did with you.

Thank you for organizing the bush walk. I really liked going on the walk. We all ran to the checkpoints. It was fun.
Thank you again
By George.

Monday, 2 September 2019

On Tursday we had cross-contry we had to wait a long time so we can ran and we finly got to run i came 5th place in the cross-contry. it was fun nen i got a go to run the year 6 got to go t Thest and then the year got to go 2 so they can go and the year 3 got to go after we go  A go and after that the years 4 got to go and the year 5 got to go and that was us.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Football interschools

We played football it was fun as we won  one  game. I brought 3  sausages and a chocolate bar. We played 5 games the people in my team were Logan I, Sam, Corban, Lachlan, Zac, Kenji, Kaden and Bradley.